Thursday, 25 November 2010

NFPtweetup is where it's at...

Last night I went to my second NFPtweetup and like the first one it was brilliant. I walked away with a real buzz of excitement for social media and how it can be used for campaigning and fundraising and to be totally honest, a feeling of pride that I’m a member of such a great community of people, (albeit a newbie!).

NFPtweetup is the idea of Rachel Beer, who with her fundraising agency Beautiful World organise this quarterly get together of like minded people. It’s a community of people who share a passion for the potential of digital and social media to change and update the way we campaign and fundraise.

The deal is that if you go with a friendly, co-operative and sharing attitude you can leave with lots of new ideas, a lot of inspiration and some new friends (real actual ones to supplement your online ones!).

It has to be the most important get together of non-profit sector people in the UK. This isn’t a place for the regurgitation of past success, the case studies presented are all very recent and in some cases still active. Crucially the whole emphasis of the discussion is what we can do next, not look at what we did ages ago.

The star of the show is the work, the ideas and the community. So it’s a format and ethos that really challenges the traditional fundraising conferences and seminars that we go to. This is an exciting step forward and for me mirrors the impact of social media in society by giving everyone in the room a voice, no sit down, turn off your mobile and listen to the person on stage go through 60 slides in 90 minutes at NFPtweetup!

Last night slides are here and if you want to review what was being discussed search for #nfptweetup on Twitter.

The next one is on the 16th February 2011. If you get the chance to go, make sure you do. I can promise that you will walk away with a big smile on your face and lots of ideas and enthusiasm for the day job.

Some links that you might find useful:

Beautiful World
Rachel Beer

Websites & Blogs
Rachel Beer
Steve Bridger
Rob Dyson


  1. Hi Paul, thanks for namechecking my blog :)

    Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat - but I share your enthusiasm for nfptweetup. It's the thing event that never fails to excite and impress me. The standard is high, as it the turnout. Love it. See you in Feb if not before.

    Cheers, Rob

  2. No problem! I'm looking forward to Feb already.
